The Greening Committee is responsible for the planning and maintenance of the church grounds. The parish is currently part way through a re-development of the grounds which will take a number of years to complete depending on funding. The aim is to blend the practical use of the land for the needs of the parish with environmental responsibility.
Apart from a number of works in various stages of completion, there is the need to meet the ongoing upkeep and maintenance; and of course future projects in the pipeline.
Each month, the Greening Committee publishes a weekly list of work required to be done on the noticeboard at the back of the church and on this web site. People are free to come any time and do any of the jobs when it suits them. Each job will explain what is required and will have a number indicating the area where the work is to be done. For example 'weeding in area 2'. The number refers to an area marked on a map of the church grounds. This map is also displayed on the notice board next to the job list as well as on this web site.
Some of the larger tasks will be more organized such as for ´busy bees´ and volunteers who have registered will be contacted.
There is also a roster of people for regular tasks such as lawn mowing and whipper snippering. Training can be provided if required.
The aim of the Garden Maintenance Strategy is to provide a range of opportunities for parishioners who want different levels of involvement. At the same time, there is development of a community spirit towards doing something tangible to build up the parish.
Click on the image below to view this month's jobs.